Monday, June 27, 2016

Who will help me plant this corn?

I have always loved the story of The Little Red Hen.  I don't know how many of those Little Golden books we had as children, but I can still see them in the cabinet under the television.  Today I would like to see myself as the Little Red Hen; sowing wheat and reaping a beautiful cake, but there are days when I am most definitely the lazy dog in the hammock reaping not much of anything.

 In Luke's Gospel this week we see 72 disciples being sent by Jesus to prepare many towns along their journey for a later visit from Jesus himself.  They were to begin sowing the seeds of Jesus' love. Jesus did not send them alone, he sent them in pairs and equipped them with His power and a clear vision of His intentions for them. Their obedience began with humility.  He also asked their prayers for more workers to join them in the harvest field.
So, back to the Little Red Hen, what if she had prayed for her farm friends to join her in the work?  Well, we would not have ended up with the intended lesson that is you reap what you sow, but she may have added more workers to her cause.  The Lord wants us to keep on sowing in His fields, even today; trusting Him for the outcome, but how do we do this?  Pray the Lord to crucify our desire to sow earthly things so that we may reap His blessings and love. Pray for others to join you.  Live your life knowing you may be the only Bible some people "read".
I love the words of St. Teresa of Avila (even though some question if they were her words, I like to think they were).

christ has no body but yours no hands no feet on earth but yours

I invite you to come join us this Wednesday at noon in the Workshop for Brown Bag Bible study to discover what happens next to the Little Red Hen and her friends as the next lesson is revealed in the story of the Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Leash or no leash?

I always watch in awe as John or Brooks takes our Lucy dog for a walk or run without a leash.  She obeys them without the slightest hesitation. Me on the other hand, it is not the same.  The first rustle of a leaf, the slightest strange scent and she is off to the races.....and oh my goodness, please don't let a squirrel cross our path or else it's all over; I would not find that dog for days! Who knows where we would find her!

As I read ( and re-read) the Galatians passage (Galatians 5:1,13-25) and Luke's Gospel reading (Luke 9:51-62)  for this week I saw so much of how  the Lord wants our total dedication. That dedication that gives us freedom from all of the world's distractions; those things that give us a false sense of security, free from those excuses, free from our sinful nature.  To be lead by the Holy Spirit requires listening, a readiness to act and a serenity to know the difference between what the world is calling us to do and what God is calling us to do.  
If it were left up to me, I would be Lucy dog all day long.  She isn't the only one who needs a leash.  The world's temptations call us to "get more, want better, promote self... do this, do that... go, go, GO, do, do, DO".  If left on my own, I would be just like Lucy chasing the elusive leaf, scent or heaven forbid crazy squirrel.  At the end of the day I would look just like her. Panting, tongue hanging out, in need of a nap.  Who knows where I would be!  So here is my prayer for all of us:

Heavenly Father, please keep your precious yoke upon us all the time. How easily and quickly the world and "squirrels" can distract us.  When life is quiet, it's easy to hear your will for us , but 
when life's distarctions are brightest please give us a good "yank" to remember the Holy Spirit is infinitely stronger.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Do you remember going to Vacation Bible School?

I guess I remember VBS because it was so different from anything else during the summer.  I distinctly remember one VBS at the little house at Trenholm Park and we made a God's eye from yarn.

Ojo de Dios / God’s Eye 
As Jane and Kelly and I were just minutes from the start of today's VBS I got that same feeling of anticipation but it was a little different.  I was anxious to see what God's plan truly was for us this first day.  Here are some things He showed me today:
1. Everyone has sinned.  No one measures up to God's glory. (Rm. 3:23).  I knew this, but I heard it differently today, maybe more with the ear of a child.
2. That sneaky serpent spoke with the strangest voice as portrayed by Allison Cox today. 
3. There are 3 beautiful verses to Jesus Loves Me!  When sung by children there is something magical in those words.
4. I can't wait to hear God's plan 2 Know Us, 2 Save Us, and 2 Love Us 4 Ever over the next days of VBS.

Come join us even just for an hour or two this week to sing or to hear God's stories through the ear of a child.  I promise you don't want to be late to church Sunday or else you will miss 3 verses of Jesus Loves Me as you have never heard before!
This is the link to Day1 of VBS.  Enjoy!  

Monday, June 6, 2016

Who is this who even forgives sins?

Why do young siblings argue? I have no idea!  Is it jealousy, is it competition, is it an age gap?  There are so many theories to this age old question.  Mary Ellen and Cantey and I will admit whole heartedly that we fought.  I remember Sunday school shoes being thrown down the hallway, a hammer, and arguments of who was looking out of the wrong window on car rides.  Sound familiar?  There is one story I will never forget told by my sainted Grandmother.  We were playing cards one day and clearly I was cheating and so she asked, "Bibs, are you cheating?" My response was, "only when I have to."  Talk about competition! Talk about a sinful nature! My cheating erupted into quite a brawl I'm sure.  But, where did the forgiveness come in and when?  
We learn to say I'm sorry at a very early age, but when do we learn the true meaning of forgiveness and to truly forgive?   I think it is a life long process.  In Luke's Gospel reading for this week, the Lord forgave a woman who was clearly a sinner, probably with a capital S .What was the gap between Simon and this sinful woman?  She recognized the Lord's love for her.  Those who recognize that God has forgiven them much will love the Lord much. We show this love in walking the walk and talking the talk; not just sharing the Gospel, but living the Gospel.  The nature of true love is that it turns from self gain to the person who is loved.  Need to hear that again?  The nature of true love is that it turns from self gain to the person who is loved.  How much does Jesus love you?  How much has Jesus forgiven you? You will show this in your love for Him and in your love and forgiveness of others.  The path to increasing that love starts with humbling yourself, recognizing your sinfulness, then thanking Him for His forgiveness and provision.
So, the real question, how to keep siblings from arguing?  Not a chance!  But you can teach them forgiveness in modeling forgiveness yourself. Recognize that the Lord has forgiven us much and love others with that same "much"!