Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Are you moving up?

The first Sunday in June marks a transitional time for children in Liturgy Preparation affectionately known as "move-up Sunday".  During the summer, the children will begin to transition into either a new classroom for Liturgy Preparation or into the Cathedral if they are rising 3rd grade.
These are the room assignments for the summer:
Rising 3k and 4k will meet in room 205, 5k room 206 and rising 1st and 2nd grade will meet in Keenan Chapel during the summer for 10:00 Liturgy Preparation.
Please remember this is a transitional time.   Talk with your child and determine the best plan for your family.  You may want to come visit Liturgy Preparation with your 3 year old or come visit Keenan Chapel Liturgy Preparation with your rising 1st grader .  For rising 3rd graders, There will be Quiet Bags located on the porch of the St. John's portal.  Please use these materials and then simply return the bag to the blue bin.

"quiet bag" for kiddos in church, so cute:

Important Dates:
June 1st- Brown Bag Bible Study.  Join us in the Workshop at 12:00 each Wednesday in June and July with a brown bag lunch and meet the apostle Paul .
June 3rd- Movie Night.  Meet us in the Workshop at 6:00-8:00pm with a Happy Meal and snuggles and watch Inside Out!
June 6th- Mystery Reader Monday - Come meet the Mystery Reader every Monday at 4:45 in the Story Room and then join us for dinner at the 5 Points Chick Fil A!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Are you registered for Vacation Bible School?

It's June 13-16th!  God's Plan 4U=Jesus!  
Please do not stop reading because you think this blog is only for 3 year olds through 5th grade!
The week of VBS at Trinity holds so much for so many who can't even imagine the blessings that await them, including myself.  I have a confession....I have not participated in VBS in at least 12 years and I am a little nervous.  Will the plans we have made bring God's word to all of the children, will the music peace fall into place, will there be enough volunteers? As one of the chairs shared with me today, "God has already planned all of this, He is on our side and we are simply His vessel."   Wow!
Please consider joining us for this special week.  We can use you in any way: floater, snack preparer, lunches for volunteers, lead shepherd, dodge ball referee....you name it; we will find your special niche in finding "God's Plan 4 U"!




Monday, May 16, 2016

Can you name the fruits of the spirit?

Come join us tomorrow (Wednesday, May 18th) at Cottle Farms 2533 Trotter Road  at 5:00pm to pick strawberries!  We will learn the fruits of the spirit through a very catchy tune before we pick strawberries.  Just to get you started here is a link to the song.  Warning: It will stick with you!
We will then enjoy supper at San Jose on Garner's Ferry Road. 

Don't forget this Sunday we transition to our summer worship schedule:
7:45 in the Cathedral
9:00 Keenan Chapel
10:00 in the Cathedral w/ Liturgy Preparation
11:30 Lemonade on the Lawn

This summer, to prepare your children's hearts for each worship service, I am going to include the scripture references for each Sunday and a fun activity for the week prior to each Sunday lesson.


Holy Spirit dove window | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language?

Almighty God, on this day you opened the way of eternal life to every race and nation by the promised gift of your Holy Spirit: Shed abroad this gift throughout the world by the preaching of the Gospel, that it may reach to the ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Pentecost always seems to mark so many things for me It reminds me that summer is just around the corner, that rest is in sight from the crazy days of May. It is a time of celebration; recitals, graduation for many, home comings for others.  It is also a time to be transformed and to delight in the transformation of others around us as we share the Gospel in whatever language we are called to do so.  "Motherese" is, as many of you know, a language we use with our children. It is  the language spoken, 
all over the world, by mothers to their babies, before and after birth. Motherese is the earliest language a baby hears.  So, share the story of Pentecost even with the "smallest of these".  Here are a few suggestions to do so:


 Pentecost flame - ribbon - YESS!! Make for our celebration this year!!:

Hint: This is for older kiddos, but very effective.  Practice this one first, but it is really cool!

This Sunday is Pentecost and I invite you to join us for the 9:00 service, 10:15 Bishop's Forum and children's program and/or the 11:15 service.

I especially want to highlight the children's program during the Bishop's forum.  All children are invited to the Storyroom at 10:15 to hear the Tale of the Three Trees.  Come hear what is better than being the tallest tree in the world!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Who are you praying for?

Your children, a family member, to survive "May"hem?  Did you know Jesus prayed for you in the Gospel lesson this week?  Jesus prayed for his disciples, and then he said," I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me..." (Jn. 17:20)  That's us!  So, what did He pray for?  He prayed for our unity; that they all may be one. He prayed for us to be given this unity by His father.  It was a gift.  Unity from God  is received not achieved.  What will you do with this gift today?  What example of unity will you or your family display today?  How will you set an example of being in this world but not of this world? How will you become more unified with your church family at Trinity? Tough questions, I know. 
This might be a fun activity: 
Easter placemat craft for kids - weave a construction paper placemat, have kidlet decorate with fingerprints and then make into images (bunny, chick, flower, egg, etc):  
Weave a place mat with your child and put family, friends, and/or neighbors names or pictures on the weaving pieces to help explain that we are individuals and have distinct roles to play, but we are all united in Christ. 
Happy early Mother's Day!