So, back to the Little Red Hen, what if she had prayed for her farm friends to join her in the work? Well, we would not have ended up with the intended lesson that is you reap what you sow, but she may have added more workers to her cause. The Lord wants us to keep on sowing in His fields, even today; trusting Him for the outcome, but how do we do this? Pray the Lord to crucify our desire to sow earthly things so that we may reap His blessings and love. Pray for others to join you. Live your life knowing you may be the only Bible some people "read".
I love the words of St. Teresa of Avila (even though some question if they were her words, I like to think they were).

I invite you to come join us this Wednesday at noon in the Workshop for Brown Bag Bible study to discover what happens next to the Little Red Hen and her friends as the next lesson is revealed in the story of the Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza!