There is a precious fairy tale that goes something like this:
A famous king, depressed by circumstances in his kingdom and feeling rejected by many of his subjects, called for his three daughters to comfort and reassure him. After they had talked awhile, he asked how much they loved him. Two of them answered that they loved him more than all the gold and silver in the world; but Mary, the youngest, said she loved him like salt. Her answer did not please the king, for he considered salt to be of very little value. The cook, who overheard the conversation, knew that the child’s reply had more significance than the father could ever imagine. She devised a subtle way to emphasize the true meaning of the young girl’s words. The next morning at breakfast she withheld the salt from everything she served, and the meal was so insipid that the king could hardly swallow any of the meal. Then he realized the full force of his daughter’s remark. She loved him so much that nothing was good without him! With a smile he said, “I understand now, Mary. Your love is the greatest of all!”
Salt has the capacity to change everything it comes in contact with, just as our saltiness for Jesus has the same possibilities.
So, how are you going to stay "salty" in helping others understand that nothing is good without Him?
I invite you to share in a Wednesday morning Bible study 9:30-11:30am in the Edward Room or to attend Wednesday Evening suppers; or have you registered for a Sunday school class yet?
I encourage you to make a plan and stick to this plan in order to feed your spiritual soul so that you might be that salty butter bean to feed others!