I cannot wait to teach the children this lesson on Wednesday night!
So here is your invitation:
Wednesday, November 2nd, All children are invited to the Story Room ( Rm 205) at 5:50pm to hear the Gospel According to Dr. Seuss through the story of Yertle The Turtle. Parents will attend the All Souls Day Requiem Service in the Cathedral at 6:00. Following the service, we will all enjoy a shrimp boil. There will be "kid friendly food" too.

I also want to get a few other dates on your calendar:
Friday, November 4th: Kid's Movie Night 6-8pm in the Edward Room
Sunday, November 13th: Mad Platter 4-6pm. Please RSVP to me so that I can let the mad Platter know how many to expect. bbabson@trinitysc.org
Friday, November 18th 3rd Friday Parent's Night (If you would like to host, please let me know.)
Sunday, November 27th: Lessons and Carols 4-5pm in the Cathedral followed by the 2nd Annual Advent Festival and chili cook-off.
Sundays during Advent (December 4,11,18): Children's Program during Evensong 4:00-5:00 in the Story Room.