Monday, February 27, 2017

Ash Wednesday for Children

Ash Wednesday for Children: 
Blow the Trumpet in Zion.
Gather the people, gather the children.

Good Friday and Ash Wednesday are two days in which children are recognizably absent from the Cathedral.  However; as I read the lessons for Ash Wednesday this year, I realized Joel is “trumpeting” for parents to bring their children to Ash Wednesday worship to support them in their discovery that they too are sinners.  There is so much for children to gleam from seeing their parents, the priests, their parish family outwardly and visibly wearing the ashen crosses.

The imposition of ashes is a visible, teachable moment for our children.  They begin wearing their own ashes with a new sense of belonging; that “I am one of them”.  As they then hear the familiar words of sin, forgiveness and repentance, they begin to wear them as an admission that “I am one of them and I too am a sinner.”  This is not easy for children today who are repeatedly told that they are "wonderful, extraordinary, capable."  Ash Wednesday makes it easier to make the admission that “I too am a sinner” because your children are now in the presence of everyone else making the same admission. 

We are all first marked with the cross with water at our baptisms.  To be marked with the cross at Baptism is an amazing, wondrous thing. On Ash Wednesday, we are marked with the cross using ashes and the words, “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.”  The ashes and words remind us that we are not so wonderful.  In fact, we are all sinners.  Fortunately, the sign is not an X, marking us as hopeless rejects, but a cross reminding us that God loves and forgives us despite being sinners.    

Lent is a type of spring training for our children to become disciples.  They begin their training admitting to themselves and others that they are not perfect but that they are so blessed to be a child of God who loves and forgives them.  A child’s Lenten practice can become the turning point to realize they can commit to doing better.  Through this training, they begin living into God’s love for those who try and do well and also for those who try and do not do as well as they wish.

Joel 2:1-2, 12-17

Psalm 51:1-17  

2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10

Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-21

The above passages are the appointed lessons, Psalm and Gospel for Ash Wednesday.  I encourage you and your children to read these today and tomorrow.  Come hear them read aloud Wednesday and then live into them over the next 40 days. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

What is your mountain top experience?

Matthew 17:1-13: Jesus is Transfigured on the Mountain.
Like Abraham and Isaac, Isaiah, Ezekiel; what is that mountain top experience that has caused you to fall face down before the Lord?  What situation do you have no doubt was specifically designed by God that now carries you through the valleys in your life?  Jesus had given the disciples some tough news.  There was going to be suffering, persecution and eventually a crucifixion, but he was going to take them on a field trip that would encourage them for the rest of their lives.  He showed them a glimpse of the Father's glory and affirmed everything Jesus had done and encouraged them about what was to occur.  The disciples see Jesus in his glorified, heavenly body. They hear the voice of God affirming that Jesus is the beloved son and that they should listen to him. Talk about a field trip; talk about a "mountain top experience"!
Peter reacted in a way that many of us probably do today when we find ourselves in one of life's events we want to capture forever.  What do we do?  We whip out the cell phone to document the moment instead of just living it.  Guilty?  Peter was going to make this a permanent dwelling for these 3.  He was being the optimist despite what he knew in his heart was about to unfold.   I always love the story of the optimistic and pessimistic child.  The pessimistic child is put into a brightly colored room full of toys, while the optimistic child is put in a room of manure.  Soon the pessimistic child is whining about the toys being boring while the pessimistic child is asking for a shovel.  A shovel?  He answers, "well, there must be a pony in here somewhere". 
 From this point on, Jesus will turn toward Jerusalem and never alter his course until the cross.  When Lent becomes difficult to live into I invite you to turn back to this field trip in Matthew.  Maybe take a reflective selfie or 2 but look for that pony and find joy in the Lord's mountain top experience he lays out for you.  Lean on those experiences to carry you through any of the valleys.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Are you ready to Race for the Place?

I had to share the following article, but I also want to encourage you and your family to join Team Trinity this Saturday to support Saint :Lawrence Place.

Veteran Runner Ken Lowden Returns to the Road in Race For The Place

Ken Lowden returns to the road Saturday, in his first official race since undergoing quadruple heart bypass surgery in the fall.

"I believe in charity races, and Race For The Place is a really good one!" Lowden says.

You don't often get to hear stories like Lowdens, because most people in his shoes don't live to tell them.  The 69 year old running veteran started pounding the pavement in 1976, and since then there's been no stopping him. Lowden eats right and to say he exercises is an understatement; Lowden is an Ironman. (Really! Lowden finished the Ironman Triathlon.)

In November, Lowden finished a stretch of distance runs; three consecutive weeks of races where he ran 15 miles or greater.  It was on a short training run soon after that when he literally said, "This hill is going to kill me." Lowden says something didn't feel quite right. The next day, when Lowden took his blood pressure it was skyrocketing, he called his doctor with the numbers and was told to head straight to the hospital. Soon after that visit, Lowden would have a life-saving heart procedure.

Heart disease runs in Lowden's family and although he was doing everything right to beat it, eventually it caught up for him. Thankfully Lowden caught it just in time. "I'm not one to look for the limelight," Lowden says. "But if sharing my story helps someone, then I believe that is what God wants me to do."

Why Race For The Place?

Lowden says he wanted his first official race after his procedure to be special.
"I really thought about this and I chose Race For The Place." Lowden says.  "I like the partnership you have with USC Basketball Coach Dawn Staley's Innersole organization-  that helps get shoes to kids in need," Lowden says.

Lowden is bringing a pair of running shoes to Race For The Place on Saturday that he plans to donate.

"Who knows?" Lowden says. "The shoes that I donate Saturday may inspire someone to run and choose a life of fitness and eventually end up saving their life one day."

Join Ken Lowden and all of the runners and walkers competing in Race For The Place on Saturday. For more details on the race and to sign up, click the link: Register here.

What you need to know.

Packet pick up begins at 7 a.m. on Saturday, February 18. The race begins at 8 a.m. This course is fast and flat through Shandon. The certified course is part of Columbia Running Club's Tour de Columbia. The start and finish lines are at the corner of Bonham and Blossom Streets, near St. Joseph Catholic Church. The Kids' Fun Run begins at 9:15 am. We hear that COCKY is planning a visit to see us this year!

5k participants receive a race T-shirt and finish line refreshments. Awards will be given to top three overall male and female winners ($100, $75, $50) and top male and female masters ($75).
There is a $5 discount for teams of 4 or more who register.

Please support our generous sponsors. For information on how you can join this incredibly caring group, please call  803-602-6379 ext 1069, or email

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