Well, technically 47 days now, so there is the good news; Easter is not over in just one day! I pray The Great 50 Days will hold many more celebrations for you and your family.
I know it will for mine (we are moving home!!!). Here are just a few ideas to celebrate through the children and family ministries at Trinity.
This Thursday, March 31st at 3:30 in the Cathedral, Ken Miller will show us how the organ works and then we will enjoy punch and cookies. Looking at the weather, we will probably need to fellowship in Statterlee Hall.
Friday, April 1st 6:00-8:00 children will enjoy a kid's movie night while parents enjoy a night out. Meet us in the Workshop for dinner (please bring a Happy Meal or lunchbox style supper for your child/children) and then children can be picked up in the Edward Room at 8:00pm. Please RSVP as soon as possible bbabson@trinitysc.org.
Beginning April 3rd, children are invited to the Trinity playground at 4:00 each Sunday during Easter (rain location Rm.: 205) while parents enjoy Evensong. I especially invite you to attend the Variations on America Concert to be held at 4:00 on April 10th. See the Trinity website for further information about this concert.
Please put Wednesday night suppers back on your calendar beginning April 6th at 5:45. Children will examine the different colors of the cross through various projects.
I also would encourage you to explore the website lessonplansthatwork.com. This website supplies great activities and conversation pieces for you and your children about the Gospel lesson assigned for each week. Try it for the next 47 days....
Prayers for a wonderful journey to Pentecost!
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