Children and Families Calendar
3rd Friday Parent’s Nights: April 21st, 6:00pm Oyster Roast at
Trinity, May 19th
6:00pm 21 Castle Hall Lane Summer Celebration.
Wednesday Night Supper and Children’s Program: Every
Wednesday 5:45-7:00 in Satterlee Hall.
Celebration for Charles Davis: April 2nd immediately following
the 9:00 service in Satterlee Hall.
Kid’s Movie Night:1st Friday of each month 6-8 in the
Edward Room.
Children’s Labyrinth Walk: April 12th at 5:30 in the gym.
Maundy Thursday Children’s and Families
Service: Thursday, April
13th at 5:00 in the Cart Courtyard.
Let Jesus wash your feet, cleanse and feed your soul. Followed by a soup supper in Satterlee Hall.
Good Friday: Join us Friday, April 14th for the
5:30 Good Friday Service. Children will
be invited to Liturgy Preparation where we will visit each Station of the
Dying of the Easter eggs: Join
us Saturday, April 15th at 9:00 in the Cart Courtyard. We will be dying Easter eggs for our Sunday
morning breakfast guests. Please bring 2
dozen boiled eggs.
Easter Services: 9:00
and 11:15 Easter Service with Liturgy Preparation. Join us after the services for Cinnamon rolls
and “goodies” on the lawn.
Strawberry Picking and The Fruits of the
Spirit: Join us Sunday April 30 at 4:30 at Cottle Farms
to pick strawberries and learn the Fruits of the Spirit.
Spring Outreach:
Children’s Outreach Project for:
June 10th, Trinity will be sending many children to experience the
Faith, Hope and Love of Camp Bob at Kanuga.
As part of our continued lesson about outreach and God’s call for us to
love and serve others, children will be collecting items for the backpacks for
the campers attending Camp Bob. Below
you will find a list of items. These
items can be dropped off in your child’s Sunday school classroom.
4’s and 5’s: combs
and 2nd grade: deodorant
4th and 5th: pen and writing pad
As each has received
a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.
(1Peter 4:10)
Other Dates:
Sunday, May 14th: Senior
Sunday, May 21st:
Confirmation Sunday and last formation class
Sunday, May 28th: Summer
schedule begins