The Hungry Caterpillar has always been a favorite of mine. The story lends itself to so many teachable avenues for children. From sequencing, to the life cycle of the butterfly, to hundreds of fine motor crafts; the ideas for a teacher are endless. Nicodemus reminds me of this caterpillar. When a caterpillar goes through the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly, it doesn't involve just a change in shape and growing wings, the whole body is actually broken down into "goo" while in the chrysalis. The butterfly is basically born again from some shared cells that used to be a caterpillar. Jesus would actually change Nicodemus from the inside out through this encounter.

Nicodemus came to Jesus with questions yet he was not speaking the same language as Jesus and I'm not sure Nicodemus was anticipating what he would hear. Born again, water, flesh, wind blowing, eternal life; these were all earthly words that Nicodemus would have an earthly understanding of but Jesus was speaking "Heavenese". Many years ago there was a car made by Chevrolet called the Nova (good gravy I am dating myself!), it was one of the top selling models for Chevrolet but when it was taken into the Spanish speaking market , it was a flop. Different languages can lead to a different response. Nova in Spanish literally means "doesn't go" hence the road block to sales. Nicodemus not only had to learn a different language he had to under go an internal metamorphosis to even begin to understand the teachings of Jesus.
Where do you need to be changed from the inside out? What new language do you need to learn this Lent? May we allow that metamorphosis occur this Lent. May our "goo" become become that beautiful butterfly Jesus intends for us to be.
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