Monday, May 2, 2016

Who are you praying for?

Your children, a family member, to survive "May"hem?  Did you know Jesus prayed for you in the Gospel lesson this week?  Jesus prayed for his disciples, and then he said," I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me..." (Jn. 17:20)  That's us!  So, what did He pray for?  He prayed for our unity; that they all may be one. He prayed for us to be given this unity by His father.  It was a gift.  Unity from God  is received not achieved.  What will you do with this gift today?  What example of unity will you or your family display today?  How will you set an example of being in this world but not of this world? How will you become more unified with your church family at Trinity? Tough questions, I know. 
This might be a fun activity: 
Easter placemat craft for kids - weave a construction paper placemat, have kidlet decorate with fingerprints and then make into images (bunny, chick, flower, egg, etc):
Weave a place mat with your child and put family, friends, and/or neighbors names or pictures on the weaving pieces to help explain that we are individuals and have distinct roles to play, but we are all united in Christ. 
Happy early Mother's Day!

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