Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Do you have time for a webinar?

I receive questions a lot about young children and The Eucharist..
I have attached a wonderful webinar about this subject and some great resources on this subject.

Free Webinar Today “Holy Communion: Teaching and Learning”

“When he was at table with them, he took the bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened, and they recognized him”
-Luke 24:30-31

Webinar on Holy Communion Today!
Join us today – Wednesday May 17 – for a free webinar on Holy Communion: Teaching and Learning. The webinar begins at 3 p.m. eastern. We’ll talk big picture thinking about Communion and formation with adults, youth, and children. We’ll also share practical ideas and resources for churches of all sizes.
Register for the Webinar Here
Holy Communion: Teaching and Learning

Today at 3 p.m. eastern

Links and Resources
Opening Chapter of Gifts of Communion: Celebrating our Story with God
by the Rev. Furman Buchanan
(Feedback encouraged! Email Furman at
Alleluia! Amen (you have to scroll down to it) and The Sunday Paper Junior
A Child’s Guide to the Holy Eucharist
Let Us Pray A Little Kid’s Guide to the Eucharist
The Anglican Family Prayer book
What We Do in Church An activity book
This Bread and This Cup a curriculum with Leader’s guide and Child’s guide
Christians Celebrate Eucharist, book from Episcopal Children’s Curriculum
Eucharist: A Child’s Story, book from Episcopal Children’s Curriculum

Monday, May 8, 2017

What's happening at Trinity?

Summer!  What emotions does that conjure up?  For some with children out of school, it causes sheer panic to set in.  I invite you to come experience summer at Trinity.  Below is a calendar of summer events and I hope you will be able to join us for many of these activities!


May 21st: During the Bishop's Forum, children are invited to Room 222 to watch "The Three Trees" and then discuss each tree.

May 28th: Summer schedule begins with Liturgy Preparation during the 10:00 service in the Cathedral.

June 2nd, July 7th and August 4th:1st Friday Kid's Movie Night 6-8pm in the Edward Room.

June 4th: Move-up Sunday for Liturgy Preparation/ Parish Picnic and Reception for Dorian Del Priore, Canon for Parish Life.

Brown Bag Lunch and Lectionary: Each Wednesday at 12:30, children will meet to hear and discuss the upcoming Genesis lesson appointed for the Sundays in June and July.

Wednesday Chapel: Every Wednesday during the summer their will be a children's service in Keenan Chapel at 3:30.

June 14th: Blueberry Picking at AA Farms at 4:30 followed by dinner at Mod Pizza.

June 19-22: Greatest Champion Basketball Camp at Trinity.

June 16, July 21 &August 18th: 3rd Friday Parent's Night: 6-9 locations to be announced.

July 10-13th VBS!  Cave Quest

So, for those of you with small children and facing summer at your doorstep, "Do not let your hearts be troubled, Trust in God...." (John 14:1-14).  Look for His blessings each day!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Little lamb who made thee?

The Lamb by William Blake

Little Lamb who made thee
Dost thou know who made thee
Gave thee life and bid thee feed,
By the stream and o'er the mead;
Gave thee clothing of delight,
Softest clothing woolly bright;
Gave thee such a tender voice,
Making all the vales rejoice;
Little Lamb who made thee
Dost thou know who made thee?
Little Lamb I'll tell thee,
Little Lamb I'll tell thee;
He is called by thy name,
For he calls himself a Lamb:
He is meek and he is mild,
He became a little child:
I a child & thou a lamb,
We are called by his name.
Little Lamb God bless thee.
Little Lamb God bless thee.

I had to diagram this poem for Mrs. Hannah in 7th grade.  For someone with Dyslexia and probably other learning disabilities; can you imagine?  My first question, I am sure, was why do I have to do this?  Words like meter and rhyme scheme still give me hives.  Well, her answer, "because, if you take it apart you can better understand the poem itself, you can better understand who the author was and what he was feeling; who the "person" this author actually was". 
As you read John 10:1-10 this week, take some time to do some old fashioned 7th grade diagramming.  Take some time to look at the meter, the rhyme scheme, look inside of the lines for words and meanings you may not have thought about.  You will more fully understand The Author.